Entrants must be vital and free of diseases.
2 for PC at one point has you progress by entering a cave, but your entry is blocked by interconnecting stalactites and stalagmites.

Game-Breaking Bug: Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.The last two intact astronauts make a foray, only to end up cut into sections like beef cattle after this kind of attack. Always they come away empty-handed, many times with colleagues having limbs sheared off by nearly-invisible, lightning fast creatures. Criss-Cross Attack: One illustrated Science Fiction story has Earth astronauts venture from their space station into an alien environment seeking vital resources.The cops are called, they don't find anyone, but getting into the spirit of the party, one of them copies his gun. Somehow, this leads to a being made of all these parts running around the building. Cheek Copy: An issue has a comic in which office workers at a party do this, including other body parts.

Works that have appeared in Heavy Metal include: Love, Death & Robots originally began life as a reboot, but it ended up being a Divorced Installment. There have been several adaptations in other media, including the Heavy Metal animated movie, Heavy Metal 2000, and Metal Hurlant Chronicles.